Niles is a fiesty two year old terrier
with a passion for tennis balls and speed. While often exhibiting his
terrioristic personality, he loves flyball. His hobbies include sock
demolition, tennis ball defuzzing, hunting, and of course, running his
own website dedicated to clothing the canines of the world! His best
friends are Buddy Rae, Febe, and of course, his little brother Kendrik.
Niles deeply misses Shania Eileen, with whom he began his flyball
Niles came to the Comets from the Silver
Streaks in October of 2001. His flyball debut, while limited to running
exhibition at the October 2001 Bark in the Park tournament, was an
excellent learning experience and has served to educate not only himself
as well as his handlers, but to provide experience and knowledge for the
fledgling Comets.
Niles also particpates in agility, go to
ground, hunting, and obedience. He is also working to become a therapy
dog in hopes of sharing his unique personality with others. His
boundless energy and flashy personality makes him a both a challenge and
a dear to work with. There is no doubt that he is all terrier through
and through.