Duke City Chile Dogs FlyBall Team

New Mexico's Winning Flyball team

The Duke City Chile Dogs were New Mexico first FlyBall team and are members in good standings with NAFA and U-FLI FlyBall  Associations.







FLYBALL is a fun team sport for both families and their dogs. All ages are welcome and information on FlyBall classes can be made to Deb Morse at  Chiledog@comcast.net




What is FlyBall

The teams best time at a tournament

19.49 seconds

Congratulations To Perri on getting her

 FlyBall Masters

Team Picture Oct 2009
Text Box: Team Pictures

FLYBALL is a relay race with 4 dogs on a team.  The course consists of a set of starting lights, a start line, a timing system, 4 hurdles and the box.  The dogs jump 4 hurdles and step on a spring loaded box that sends out a tennis ball.  The dog catches the tennis ball and then runs back over the 4 hurdles.  When the dog crosses the starting line the next dog goes.  The first team to have all 4 dogs run without errors wins the heat. Races are made up heats from 3 to 5 heats to a race and usually 5 races a day over a 2 day schedule.

Have any questions?
Want a demo for a special event?
Interested in Beginning Flyball?
Just want to say Hi E-mail us.
