Eyes for Ewe Chip off the Block "Chip"

DOB: 8/1/2001

NAFA CRN: 040082
FD=08/28/04 FDX=10/23/04 FDCh=10/30/04 FDCH-S=10/30/04 FDCH-G=06/18/05

U-Fli #:1877
Jump Height: 10 inches
TF= TF-I= 8/19/2007

Other Titles: CH RN PT JHD CGC TDI certified therapy dog
Nicknames:"Chip-Chip" "Fat Boy on Vacation"

Chip debuted in 2004. While Chip is not the fastest border collie on the team he is certainly one of the happiest to be there. He absolutely adores being out on the lane and "getting his ball". He was not easy to train. He got the pattern down quickly but the idea of getting and bringing the ball back took A LOT of time. Once he "got" the idea, he developed into quite a character. He had a signature move of jumping into Shannon's arms on his return. The box loaders refer to him as a bull in a china shop because of the force he exerts hitting the box and the fact that he does not care what he uses to land on to make his turn. The box, the loader's leg- it is all the same to him. Chip sports the sleek look when running in the summer. The shaved puppy cut is not to attract the ladies in so much as it is just that he has so much darn hair and there is just no need for all of it. Chip has run in all positions. Chip returned from retirement for a brief time and ran his fastest time of 4.5 at 6 years old!

Chip does anything Shannon asks him to do. He pulled 760 pounds in a weight pull his very first try just to get to her. She has had him since the day he was born and she is by far his favorite thing. He made a clean sweep in earning his RN and even earned a perfect score on his third leg! He will do anything to please her. He dabbles in herding and competes in AKC, ASCA, and AHBA trials. He has earned his Junior Herding Dog and Pre-Trial titles.