Eyes for Ewe Spitfire Saleen


D.O.B. 9/8/2002
NAFA CRN: 050244
FD=06/18/05 FDX=07/16/05 FDCH=09/24/05 FDCH-S=08/12/06 FDCH-G=04/21/07 FM=12/01/07

U-Fli #: 1876
Jump Height: 10 inches
TF=5/27/2006 TF-I= 5/28/2006 TF-II= 11/10/2006 TF-III= 11/11/2006 TFE= 8/18/2007

Other Titles: HIC
Nicknames: "Miss Fire"

Fire debuted in 2005. She runs in any position but perfers start or anchor. She loves the sport and we expect her to be a lot like her mother and want to race the other team back. In her spare time she likes to boss her littermate Nitro around ane remind him that althoguh she is much smaller she is still the boss..

We get a bit of slack for yelling "Fire" on the lane in a building. We sware, it did not even cross Shannon's mind when she was named :-)