Peachy Keens Held Hostage "Ransom"

DOB: 8//2002
NAFA CRN: 040081
FD=06/26/04 FDX=06/26/04 FDCH=10/30/04 FDCH-S=03/12/05 FDCH-G=11/19/05

U-FL #: 3067
Jump Height: 10 inches
TF= 4/14/2007 TF-I=4/15/2007 TF-II= 8/18/2007 TF-III= 8/18/2007

Other Titles:
Nicknames: "Ran-Ran"


Ransom is the typial border collie- all about balls and frisbees and running. Though she is a very sensitive dog off the lane she is all about running when it comes to race time. She does have an obsession for Bernie's shoes and pants legs too!! Ransom runs in start. She is a perpetual toy retriever in the house (are you sure she is not part retirever Bernie ;-). If no one else will play with her, Ransom will play with her jolly ball. LArge moving vechicles are an obession- bless the creator of the electric fence!! She likes to share your pillow in bed.