Peachykeens Nauty By Nature "Temper"

NAFA CRN: 0305343
Jump Height:
FD=09/07/03 FDX=09/07/03 FDCH=10/11/03 FDCH-S=10/18/03 FDCH-G=11/29/03 FM=03/20/04 FMX=07/11/04 FMCH=11/07/04 ONYX=08/06/05

U-Fli Run#: 2011
Jump Height: 11 inches
TF= 07-01-06 TF-I= 11-12-06TF-II= 04-14-07 TF-III=04-14-07 TFE= 8/19/2007

Other Titles:
Nicknames: "Goofball"

Temper is visiting from Mindi Orey. We are excited about making him an intergral part of CIA's NAFA and U-Fli flyball teams. He was a part of ToughSpun and Balls Out flyball teams while he was in Minnesota. His fastest time is 3.8 in the pack. He runs in any position but prefers start and anchor- he hates getting beat!!

LOVE BUG is probably the best description of him. He is a love and hugging machine. For a dog so intense in the flyball lane he is surprisingly calm in the house. He even has his own personal "kitty" he cares for- yes, a real cat! Temper is a talker and if he feels like you have not loved on him enough he will let you know with a little"woof". Temper is a very happy go lucky dog. He is incredably silly and acts like he is still a puppy. Unknown to many, Temper has hidden talents such as home decorating and can be found rearranging and fluffing the counh pillows before sitting in it. He does have his ball obsessions but hey, he is a border collie!

It is a gret please to welcome Temper to the crew! Thank you so much Mindi for giving us this opportunity and trusting us with your baby!