Photos from Practice, 03/23/2003

Here's Kerry all decked out in our new team uniform. Looking sharp. Jake's not sure what to think.
Rookie, aka Crash, about to show how he earned his nickname.
And Rookie tearing up the turf to get back.
Sadie, the Little Ball of Hate, in attack mode.
Sunshine Rain, aka The Mantis, that's a bunch of dog trying to get on that box. But she's trying.
Dusty was smoking today too.
Another shot of Dusty finishing strong.
Keno, exhibiting his patented victory strut.
Keeper flattening out. 3.9 is just around the corner.
Bobby, Josh, Lee and Sharilin, showing why it is great to be a Texan. Look at that sky. Dallas Skyline in the background.