Boomer is a compact and fiery 8lb Min Pin whose philosophy is "I think I can, I think I can." He has overcome
so much to become a flyball dog...Boomer managed to pull the light bulb out of the box in the 2003 OKC
Tournament in June and gave his little buddy Keno some relief. I am so proud of what he has accomplished.
Boomer and his owner Kerry would like to be the first Min Pin to achieve the title of Flyball Dog Grand
Champion. We know with hard work and dedication this is an attainable goal...One of his passions is to curl up
in your lap and love on you if you will let him...Boomer is also an aspiring Agility Dog and trains at Dallas Dog
Sports....Boomer has drawn a loyal following at Flyball Tournaments and aims to please in the near future....He
will run his heart out until he fries his brain and will still try and try and try again....At home Boomer's hobbies
are terrorizing his Cat Sister Powder, watching OU Football, and protecting little sister Sierra and hoping she
catches on to OBEDIENCE and can become a flyball dog like him some day....