Born: 08/20/1999
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Human: Laura Elliott
Rank: #15 Mini-Schnauzer in NAFA
- FD 04/27/2002
- FDX 07/13/2002
- FDCh 10/12/2002
- 2003 CE Most Rabbit Like Award
- 2003 CE Most Improved Stride Award
- FM 07/17/2004
Jake is a very sweet, lovable dog. He likes to check you out up close & personal by sniffing your face, if you're a human, or your tail, if you're a dog; he could be a secret agent for the FBI, but not very subtle.
His favorite game is tug ... followed closely by chase. Of course, in flyball, you don't want to be chasing your dog; you want him chasing you, so we've worked to turn that around. It seems he could play for hours and never tire of the game, which gets into why we got into flyball ... to give this energetic dog something fun to do! It has exceeded our expectations, especially with Cutting Edge. We truly are a cutting edge team.
Jake's long-term goal is to be in the NAFA top 10 of Miniature Schnauzers ... so let's get out there & race!