Born: 09/15/2000
Breed: Boston Terrier
Human: Kristie Burke
Rank: #2 Boston in NAFA
FD 04/14/2002
FDX 04/14/2002
FDCH 05/13/2002
FM 11/09/2002
FMX 08/17/2003
The Canadian Jack Russell Terrier Association Shur Gain Maritime Terrier
Trial 07/2002
1st Place high jump
1st place ball retreival adult
Best Dog ball retreival adult
2003 CE Most Frisbee Obsessive Award
2003 CE Most Improved Boxturn Award
2003 CE Most Dog Of The Year Award
FMCh 02/14/2004
Ruby is 14lbs of fury and attitude. She is the self-proclaimed 'Queen of
Everything'. Ruby loves to give big, sloppy Boston kisses and is a great
singer when she's not the center of attention. She sleeps in the bed at
night with Mom and Dad, under the covers. Her favorite pasttime (next to
flyball) is spinning in circles with a toy making funny growly noises or
tugging with her best friend George. Life to Ruby is a floppy frisbee and
someone to throw it for her.