
Deva - Wildwood's Reign of Terror CD, CGC, LCM, NA, NAJ
Whippet - owner/handler - Kathy Kennedy
960418D April 1997 Retired Sept 2005
At the rainbow bridge
The gates are wide open - till  we meet again
Always in our hearts & thoughts
May 9, 1995 - Sept 1, 2011 Deceased

Titles Earned
FD, FDX, FDCh, FDCH-S, FDCH-G, FM, FMX FMCH, ONYX, Flyball Grand Champion,  FG40K, FG50K
NAFA Top Pointed Dogs 
*  09/30/01  101 of 10747
*  09/30/02   45 of 12213
*  09/30/03   44 of 13575
*  09/30/04   49 of 15009
*  09/30/05   57 of 16405

NAFA Breed Whippet 
*  09/30/00   5 of  73
*  09/30/01   3 of  81
*  09/30/02   2 of  93

*  09/30/03   2 of 108
*  09/30/04   2 of 123
*  09/30/05   2 of 143

NAFA Top Point Earning
* 1998 227 of  6486   points   4875
* 1999 223 of  7685   points   6065
* 2000 185 of  9133   points   6817
* 2001  13  of 10747  points 15002
* 2002  14  of 12213  points 12693


Photo by

 Our first Whippet, we had been looking for a black whippet for a couple of years and were having no luck at all... Deva is a dark brindle with white Irish markings. When we first went to see her she came bounding across the room to us and we knew we were taking her home! She was spayed at a early age and easily completed  her ASFA lure course titles getting the Fch title in only 3 trials , she almost always got BOB at lure coursing and more than once competed for BIF. She completed her CD with decent scores.. in her first obd. show she was working on a 198 , we were on the last few seconds of the long down when she threw up! She was DQ'd for fouling the ring! Must have been nerves :)  She retired as the #2 whippet in flyball ( I think she still is) age 10.. She wasn't the fastest dog out there but she did have a personal best time of 4.2 . She was at a lure trail at age 9, she took a tumble and broke a leg. It took a very long time to heal, when it did she came back to flyball but then injured her neck. She was retired from everything and is now enjoying the couch at home.