In the years we have worked with McNabs, I've often wondered if Alexander
McNab truly realized what a helpful friend he imported from Scotland for
work on his sheep ranch outside the town of Ukiah, California. We, the
ranchers and farmers, up and down the coast and the great central valley of
California, thank the McNab family over and over again. Because after over
a century, the McNab shepherd is still working and is now even more popular
with the cattlemen and sheepmen.
Many questions arise from all over the US of A about the origins of this
dog. We have been fortunate in obtaining the following information,
actually two histories. There has been little written about these dogs, but
what there is available we are more than willing to share. Because we care,
we try to keep the quoted word "as is". Please note our personal
footnotes and take them only as our opinions; the reference footnotes,
however, are from previously published articles, speeches, and letters.
The following are direct quotes from an article published by Al Testado,
Times Sports Editor, entitled "A Dog Detective Does a Scotland Yard Job"
. A letter was written in 1955 by Robert W. Scott, son-in-law to John
McNab, to Cliff Waterman who was rewarded in his efforts to obtain a history
of a really fine working dog.
Peter worked either lead or drive, while Fred was strictly a lead dog.
These two, breeding with selected females
2, originated in the United States, the
line of McNab shepherds. The original stock was supported from time to time
by importations from Scotland. Border Collies are of two varieties, long
haired and short haired. The long haired type is particularly adapted to
the severe weather of Scotland, but the dry, steep ranges of Mendocino
County required a short-haired dog, both because of the summer heat but also
on account of the burs, fox-tails, and stickers which are not picked up so
easily by the short-haired dog. For these reasons, the importations by the
McNab family have been mostly of the short-haired type....
A McNab differs markedly in appearance from the usual English Collie. The
McNab is medium size, alert and cat-footed, has a black coat with white
markings -- white muzzle with a white streak running up the head between the
eyes, usually a white neck and chest, white tipped tail and one or more
white feet. Its ears are medium sized and somewhat pointed; usually the
upper half of the ear flops over. The tail is not bushy. These dogs have
been bred primarily for performance in working stock--not for color
conformation -- although experience has shown that the best performance
usually is obtained from the original type."
I think we also should include Robert Scott's remarks on the Kelpie in this
same letter as they do bring up a relationship to the McNab Dog's
2nd history.
The second history of the McNab was given to me a few years ago. However,
many of our older ranchers here in Northern Sacramento Valley of California
have known this for decades. This history is called the Ed and Myrtle Brown
McNab Shepherd History and was verified by a personal interview with Myrtle
Alexander McNab and his family left Glasgow, Scotland in 1868, came to the
United States of America, and settled in California on the ranch known as
the McNab ranch in Mendocino, California south of Ukiah. They brought one
dog with them, but it died soon after they arrived. In 1885, Mr. McNab
returned to the Grampian Hills in Scotland for the sole purpose of getting
some of the dogs he was used to working (with). He purchased two dogs,
Peter and Fred. He brought Peter back with him. Fred was left in Scotland
to have his training completed, and was sent to America later. Fred was
strictly a lead dog; Peter worked both lead and drive. These two dogs were
bred to select shepherd females of Spanish origin which were brought to this
country by the Basque sheep herders, and that cross was called McNab
shepherds because Mr. McNab perfected this breed of stock dogs which would
head or heel. The McNab is not a Border Collie.
John L. McNab was the son of Alexander McNab and became the sole owner if
the McNab ranch south of Ukiah in Mendocino County. He made several
importations in the early 1900's from the Grampian Hills in Scotland. One
importation in about 1906 was a Red Fox Shepherd called "Clyde" -- later
another red dog called "Ready" was imported, and that is the reason
why occasionally there will be a red pup in the litter.
Ed G. Brown put in an order for a McNab pup in 1895 These dogs were so much
in demand he didn't get one until 1915 when Mr. McNab imported a female with
pup. She whelped three weeks after arrival, and Ed Brown got the pick of
the litter. He named the pup "Jet". This pup was black with faint
line of white up his face, white chest, and a small amount of white on his
feet. Some of these dogs have a wide strip up the face and a ring of white on
the neck. Also, some will have brown on the legs and face, but they are mostly
They are never long haired, nor do they have loop ears or speckled legs
5. Their ears are mostly pricked, some
will tip at the top. The strain Ed Brown raised from "Jet" are the
true McNabs as he never outcrossed on other breeds. This is not a pedigree but
just a history of the McNab dog we raised and knew" ---
Myrtle Brown.
As you read both of these histories you will see, as I did, several
agreements in the "tellings" and also the interesting
comments regarding the very near "probable" relationship of
Border Collie, Kelpie, and
McNabs via the "Fox Shepherds and/or Fox
As for working ability, the McNab is very cat-footed, very fast and agile.
He generally is a more direct and forceful stockdog than his "cousin"
the Border Collie, not as excitable as the Kelpie, and not as strong minded as
an Australian Cattledog. He is very easy to teach, giving you his alert
attention and complete loyalty. He is usually a one-man (or woman),
one-family dog, does not tolerate stray dogs, strange people or animals.
He is known throughout northern California as an avid hunting companion,
deer, wild pig, squirrels, and rabbits. The dog is also known as a
protector, what's his is his, and if you are his companion, everything you
own is his to protect, your spouse, children, livestock, truck, ranch, boots
and saddle.
The McNabs are recognized as working stockdogs and are registered through the
National Stockdog Registry of Butler, Indiana. I hope this
will help your in your questions regarding the versatile McNab dog. The
Breeding and working of these fine dogs have been one of the pleasures of our
lives here at our place, they are truly unique in their devotion and loyal
companionship to our families.
"The McNab Dog is truly a unique breed in that it is a native stockdog of
Northern California via the Grampian Hills of Scotland. The first mention
of this breed is in 1885 during the ranch and farming days of the young
state of California. Alexander McNab came to the United States from
Glasgow, Scotland in 1868 and settled on a large spread which is now known
as the McNab Ranch. A year later he returned with his young family and a
Border Collie 1. In 1885, sixteen
years later, he returned to Scotland for the expressed purpose of obtaining
new sheep dogs. He purchased two Border Collies from the Grampian Hills of
central Scotland named Peter and Fred.
"McNabs should not be confused with the Australian Kelpie, which is a
reddish-brown, short-haired dog of about the same size, but with fully erect
ears and often with a bushy tail. The origins of the Kelpie seem to be in
dispute -- once school of thought contends it is a cross between the Border
Collie, imported into Australia from Scotland, and the Dingo, or Australian
wild dog; a second contention is that the Kelpie is a development, in
Australia of the Scotch Border Collie, without the infusion of dingo blood;
while still others state the Kelpie originated in the "Fox Collie"
4, which was different in every way
from the Border Collie. At any rate, if you see a Kelpie you will see
immediately, primarily from its color, that it is not a McNab."
"In the early 1800's, the Bruce McKinsey family left northern Scotland and
settled in the Grampian Hills of central Scotland. They brought with them
their stock dogs, the Fox Shepherds, the origin is not known, but have
survived in Scotland for centuries. Alexander McNab was a neighbor of the
McKinseys who raised the Fox Shepherds, and started the breed in the
Grampian Hills.
Appendix A Breeder Contacts
Alvina Butti
Knee Deep Stock Dogs
84046 Lorane Highway
Eugene, OR 97405
You are visitor number
since 13 February 1996
Copyright © 1996 Donna Seigmumd and Alvina Butti
For questions or comments about this Web Page contact Kathryn Hogg,
Last Modified: Feb 4, 1996