Bi-State Performance Dogs
Who would have thought that a tennis ball is so exciting?
Flyball Sam Flyball Sam Flyball Sam Ouch! watch were you point that thing
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Flyball is a relay race with teams consisting of 6 dogs and their handlers per race. Only 4 dogs run each heat, however—the others 2 are on hand to fill in if necessary. A race can be won or lost on the basis of 1/1000th of a second. The dogs have a start/finish line to start their run. They must jump over 4 hurdles each 10 feet apart and release a ball from the "ball box" and return over the same jumps. The first jump is 6 feet from the start line and the ball box is 15 feet from the 4th jump. This totals 51 feet they must race in one direction (102 feet total). The jump height is based on the height of the smallest dog on the team, measuring at the withers. The minimum jump height is 8 inches and 16 inches is the maximum height. An 18 inch dog, would get a jump height of 14 inches, if a smaller dog were not available.

Since there are 4 dogs, it means they must pass each other just before the next dog running passes the start line. The ball box shoots out a tennis ball for the dog to grab when the dog releases it with forepaws. The dogs race against another team and the winner is the one that wins the best 3 of 5 heats. Sometimes, if there are many teams in a division, heats run are the best 2 of 3 heats per race.

Points are earned for titles. If the team runs the race in less that 32 seconds, eash dog earns one point. If it runs in less that 28 seconds, each dog earns 5 points. If it runs in less than 24 seconds, each dog earns 25 points.

The titles dogs earn are:

Title Points Award Type
Flyball Dog (FD) 20 Certificate
Flyball Dog Excellent (FDX) 100 Certificate
Flyball Dog Champion (FDCh) 500 Certificate
Flyball Dog Champion-Silver (FDCh-S) 1000 Certificate
Flyball Dog Champion-Gold (FDCh-G) 2500 Certificate
Flyball Master (FM) 5,000 Pin
Flyball Master Excellent (FMX) 10,000 Pin
Flyball Master Champion (FMCh) 15,000 Pin
ONYX Award (ONYX) 20,000 Plaque
Flyball Grand Champion (FGDCh) 30,000 Plaque
Commemorative Pin and Plaque 40,000 Plaque
Commemorative Pin and Plate for 40k Plaque 50,000 Plaque
HOBBES Awards (HOBBES) 100,000 Plaque

Dogs of any size are welcome into the sport. They do not require registration in any organization. Many wonderful dogs have been rescued from animal shelters. "Height dogs" must be able to clear a jump of 8" and have the energy to be able to do a lot of running or the capacity to work for endurance. At this time, our Club has a Cocker Spaniel, a Jack Russell Terrier, a little cross between a Boston Terrier and a pug, a Sheltie, and a Beagle in training for our height dogs. The dogs MUST not be a danger to other dogs or to people, but with work and exposure to other dogs, some "taming down" can be wonderful and surprising to watch. This does take time and effort.

Qualities of a flyball dog are ball-drive (the desire to play with tennis balls,) retrieving ability, strong work ethic, and even temperament are all desirable, to name just a few of the major qualities necessary. Our canine family members are true performers, not only in Flyball, but many also compete in other activities and earn titles in Obedience, Agility and Herding.


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