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Team News
Our first demo was Saturday, May 7 at the Mercersburg Veterinary Clininc in Mercersburg, PA. Fantastic weather and fun was had by all. Many of our team dogs participated in the "Meet the Breeds" segments to educate the public about different breeds of dogs. Thanks to Mercersburg Veterinary Clinic for inviting us back this year! Our second demo was at the Frederick Keys "Dog Days of Summer" event, held on Monday, May 16. We had a great turn-out and thankfully the rain held off! Another demo was on Sunday, 6-19 at the Hagerstown Suns "Man's Best Friend Day." We even made it into the local paper! Take a look at our "spokes-beagle!" http://www.herald-mail.com/news/hm-mans-best-friend-day-at-suns-game-a-hit-20110619,0,7177811.story
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