Gwen Nichay

Shown with Zoom
Photo by Gerry Bradshaw

Flyball Dogs: Regularly handles one of the Scharphorns' or Phyllis Askew's active dogs (or any other that we need); Dixie (in training); Buzz and Luke (retired); Kyle, OJ and Sammy (waiting at the bridge).

Born:June, 1981

Home Town: Gillette, WY

Occupation: Horse Farmer, Landscaper

Playing Flyball Since: 1989

Other Dog Activities / Clubs: Agility (with Tip).

Why flyball? My parents started doing flyball in 1978 and I was born in 1981. I have been doing flyball since I was able to pick up a tennis ball, but I have been running dogs since 1989 when I began running Kyle part-time with my mom.

I just love the excitement and working with my dogs. The best part is the competitive racing and teamwork.