FGDCH 05/1992 - 07/23/2007
Breed: Border Collie
Gender: Female
Birth: 5/92
Jumped: 15"
Averages: Mid to High 4's
Fastest: 4.54
First Tourney: 03/05/1994
Last Tourney: 09/03/2005
Handler: Phyllis Askew
Other Hobbies: Balls, balls, and balls (is there anything else?) .
Accomplishments and Awards:
* NAFA's #203 scoring dog in 1994.
* NAFA's #39 scoring dog in 1995.
* NAFA's #220 scoring dog in 1996.
* Voted the 'Can't Give it Up' award at the Paws-a-tive Attitudes tourney, 5/17/2003.