Bosco was adopted from Atlantic Region Central Border Collie Rescue in the fall of 2006. He was approximately a year and a half old at the time. Although he came neutered and chipped, he was also rude, untrained and extremely high-spirited. He now lives in beautiful Bucks County PA with Matt, Ann, Spunky, Shadow and several acres to romp. He has completed training in obedience, agility and flyball and has settled nicely into the "program" at the Moore household while retaining his spirited nature. Thank God for dog sports or he would be bouncing off the walls!
Bosco's breed is uncertain but at best guess he appears to be a mix of Border Collie and Bull Terrier. His behavior is pretty much ALL terrier and by that I mean he kills things. He also loves tunnels (and digging). He began competing in Flyball in April of 2008 at the Flyball Dogs Anonymous tournament in Lebanon PA. Bosco usually runs on the GBF regular team (Great Balls of Fire) but he has also run on our Open team (Open Flame) and Multibreed team (Crash and Burn) as well as with other Open teams in NAFA Region 15. He runs mostly in the second or third slot but has been lead dog once or twice. His best time was 4.9 seconds running as start dog at the January RTS tournament in Exton PA.