In the beginning...
This was one of the first Calgary Longshot dogs to ever get a flyball title. Tara was owned by Kay and started doing flyball in 1993. She is demonstrating the use of this archaic flyball box. Founding team members were overjoyed when they travelled from Calgary to Regina for a tournament and returned with a total of 39 points for each of their dogs. Tara earned a total of 134 points in her flyball career. Her titles included CDX, FDX, SHDCH, CGC, NAC, NJC, NGC, NACV, NGCV and was one of the most titled Schnauzers. In memory of Tara 1982-1999
Flyball Titles
FD - Flyball Dog - 20 points
Mr. Beasley - mix - earned 05/20/00
FDX - Flyball Dog Excellence - 100 points
Sybel - American Staffordshire Terrior - earned 09/30/00
Bayou - Australian Shepherd - earned 03/16/03
FDCH - Flyball Dog Champion - 500 points
Chinook - Nova Scotia Duck Toller - earned 04/20/02
Breeze - Nova Scotia Duck Toller - earned 04/21/02
Dakota - mix - earned 05/19/02
Zena - Miniature Schnauzer - earned 06/23/02
Phoenix - American Pit Bull Terrior - earned 09/28/02
Tucker - Australian Shepherd - earned 03/16/03
FM - Flyball Master - 5,000 points
FMX - Flyball Master Excellence - 10,000 points
FMCH - Flyball Master Champion - 15,000 points
Jamie - Shetland Sheepdog - earned 11/16/02
Onyx - 20,000 points
Hershey (Navigator Sentimental Journey) - GSP - earned 06/30/02
FGDCH - Flyball Grand Champion - 30,000 points
40K - 40,000 points
Cookie - Miniature Schnauzer - earned 11/17/02