Maple Leaps Flyball Club

"To be worthy of our dogs ..."


History :The Maple Leaps Flyball Club was formed in summer 2002. We are a small group of flyball friends, devoted to our dogs and the sport of flyball.

Structure: The club is run collectively.

Interests:We are interested in educating our members in safety and health. The members share information about canine health issues, diet, and up-to-date training techniques and practice regimens. We would like to share some of that information through this website and hope to develop a virtual library of helpful information for all dog owners and dogsport enthusiasts.

Wanna Play?: The club does not train inexperienced handlers and dogs to the sport of flyball. We are a non-profit sporting club. We recommend the sport of flyball to all dog-lovers with healthy, fit canines.

To find a club in your area, please check out the Region 10 Locator for a list of clubs in the Maritime Region at Region 10 Club Locator. You can find a list of clubs in North America at Flyballdogs North American Team Directory.

Virtual Contact:
Gay Harley (webmaster) -
Amanda Joudrey (Original 5 Captain) -
Debbie Lowe, Sollie, & Brynn - Not Online
Jeannie (Rookies Captain) & Morris Swinemar -

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