Overdrive flyball
Our goals at tournaments is to
earn titles on our dogs, race to the best of our
abilities, be competitive within our divisions,
and most of all have fun! We always celebrate
all our successes, be it a new title, a perfect
start, a new personal best, or a dog running for
the very first time. No matter how we do,
we usually get caught up in our dog's enthusiasm
and love for the game! There is no better
way to spend a weekend than bonding with your
dog and doing something they love is a great way
to accomplish that.
We would like to thank everyone who made the 2012 racing season so memorable. We started a lot of new dogs this year and had a lot of great moments in the lanes. Without the help of our dedicated members and wonderful sponsors we could enjoy the success that we do, Thank You! Look for us in the lanes at any of the tournaments listed on the right and come say "hello"!