Team Dogs
Team Dogs
The Quilt
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Beltway Bandits Team Philosophy

Bandit We formed the Beltway Bandits Flyball team for two primary reasons: 1) our dogs think Flyball is more fun than anything else on the face of the Earth (just listen to them in practice!), and 2) we enjoy the camaraderie of the Beltway Bandits Flyball team members. Given the time and energy that we have invested in starting our team, we want to ensure that the enjoyment that we derive from the sport of Flyball is preserved. As a result, dogs and handlers become members of a competition team through the successful completion of a Beltway Bandits Flyball class; at the end of the ten-week training session, both the prospective member and the current team members should have a pretty good idea if there is a good match of goals and personalities.

We also believe that Flyball is a competitive, team sport. As such, the main factor in determining specific team placement will be to group dogs/handlers of like ability on the same team. Other considerations such as the height of the dog and the experience of the dog/handler team could also play a role in specific team placement. We will continue to strive to ensure that everyone that is placed on a competition team will receive an equal opportunity to run during a tournament, but the overriding consideration will favor team performance over individual achievement.