
We believe that the most important reason for participating in dog sports is to give our family pets a chance to enjoy the activity. Therefore, we participate in this activity in order to work with our pets - developing both their skills, and our own, in the great sport of flyball.

With enjoyment being our foremost concern, we train our dogs using the most current positive motivational techniques. Neither our dogs, nor their handlers, could really enjoy playing the game without the use of those techniques.

We hope to enter as many NAFA sanctioned tournaments as are practical. Our aim is to run as many teams in those events as we have available trained dogs to fill. Whenever they are offered, we try to run our dogs in both regular and multibreed divisions of the tournament.

While we do have set teams, we do not have set lineups for those teams. The average team heat times, not the combinations of dogs running on them, are fairly constant. At one time or another, all of our dogs are rotated through our various tournament teams. We do this in order to maximize the dogs' chances to gain points towards their NAFA titles, while still striving to maintain the competitive level of each of those tournament teams.

Whereas we do make every effort to run our fastest combination of dogs on one of our tournament teams, we feel that the competitive nature of the sport should never be allowed to become more important than our enjoyment of the game itself. We do want our dogs to run their best in tournaments, and we do like to win. However, winning is a concept that the dogs do not understand. They run for fun.

Following our dogs' examples then, our primary objective is to enjoy the pure fun of this great game - win or lose. We pledge to observe good sportsmanship at all times while doing that. Our dogs would accept no less from us.