Queen City Road Runners Practices

We practice each Sunday. Review the Calendar for dates and times.
Our practices are open to the public.
Please RSVP if you intend to observe a practice. This will ensure we are prepared to demonstrate the various skills needed for flyball or agility.

It is important to be prepared for practice. Each dog deserves an opportunity to hone its skills.
Here are some tips.

  • Arrive about ten minutes early, to allow your dog time to potty, stretch out, and for everyone to say "Hi".
  • Make sure you understand what is being asked of you and your dog. There is no need to feel confused or lost, please give the trainer an opportunity to clarify.
  • Do not feed your dog for at least a half day before practice.
  • Stay motivated through out practice - your dog will stay motivated, also.
  • Have a "flyball kit" for your dog: his/her favorite rewards, its water bowl and water and a crate.

Be prepared to pitch in and assist with exercises. Many exercises require the assistance of more than one person.

Queen City Road Runners