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Team member stats

Who is the Sacramento Flyball Club?

Team Line-up

2004-2005 Tournament Year (Oct-Sept)

Points Detail
Dog Name Title SvrStrk
Hayward --------- Total
Bogey FM 155 252 556 467 756 555 - 5332
Bud FMX 420 453 682 689 1209 969 - 13892
Cleo In training - - - - - - - -
265 296 657 501 818 966 - 4094
John Irving FDCh 5 2 30 87 - 350 - 774
Kasey - - - - - - 5 - 5
Kira FMX 125  886 447 501 818 713 - 11758
Kodee FM 412 886 NA 444 1001 860 - 6224
Meg FMX 415 330 751 714 1313 1014 - 12581
Mick FM 476 383 432 1046 1526 - - 11574
Nitro FM - - - - - 703 - 6699
Owen FMX 412 886 882 501 - 307 - 11463
Pete FMX 337 886 432 501 716 586 - 11795
P-Nutt FM 306 - 447 369 1106 1185 - 5146
Sydney In training - - - - - - - -

Retired from Action
Dog Name Title SvrStrk
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total
Bette Boop FDCH 155 - - - - - 2972
PeeDee FM - - - - - - 6377
NA = Not Attend

Title Breakdown
Points Title (Abbreviation)
20 Flyball Dog (FD)
100 Flyball Dog Excellent (FDX)
500 Flyball Dog Champion (FDCh)
5,000 Flyball Master (FM)
10,000 Flyball Master Excellent (FMX)
15,000 Flyball Master Champion (FMCh)
20,000 Onyx Award (ONYX)
30,000 Flyball Grand Champion (FGDCh)

Possible Points Earned Breakdown
Points earned per team run Time in seconds needed for points
25 23.999 and faster
5 24 to 27.999
1 28 to 31.999

Team member stats year 2003

Team member stats year 2004

Team member stats year 2005

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Sacramento Flyball Club © 2005