About Us
The Dogs
The Teams
Tourney Info
Flyball Classes
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The Teams
The Fast'n'FURious Flyball club currently has over 30 dogs actively competing, and more enrolled in our training program.  We run in tournaments all over Atlantic Canada, or Region 10 in the North American Flyball Association (NAFA)

Our club is not strictly divided into individual teams...depending on how many and which dogs and owners are attending any given tournament, the dogs may be grouped differently.  We like this flexibility...it keeps things interesting, and allows us to switch dogs from team to team depending on circumstances. 

Generally, we try to group dogs of similar speeds together to give each team consistency, and there are dogs we usually run together, but this isn't set in stone...and sometimes, we just don't have enough club members attending a tournament, so we do the best we can with what we have!

Having said that, we are usually able to put together between four and six separate teams for most tournaments.