Flyball Locator Board
Inspired by ride share boards across college campuses, this page
is a resource for people trying to start and/or locate teams in areas
where Flyball interest is sparse. It is not the only source of
information. Check the team profiles for
existing teams. Most existing teams welcome new members or may be
able to refer to someone else. North American residents should
contact their NAFA
Regional Director.
Residents of other countries should contact the governing body for their country. Contact
Kathryn Hogg to add
United States
United Kingdom
Birmingham Bandits flyball club
is holding flyball classes and is always seeking interested people
and their dogs. For more info contact Barb at 205-672-7701, or out of
area, 1-888-654-7701.
The Gamblers hold Flyball training classes
in the Birmingham area. For more information please contact Cindy and
Paul Ferlitto at
205-669-4934, 205-337-9705, or
Central Alabama
Rogues Gallery holds private Flyball training in
the central Alabama area. Please contact Larry Worrilow at 334-514-6864 or
larry@i-flyball.com or
Julia Markham at 334-288-3594 or
Eagle River
Alaska Dogs Gone Wild is Alaska's first flyball club!
For additional information, please visit our website at
Mark Duncan
12332 North 86th Lane
Peoria, AZ 85381
Mary Kinsky
PO Box 24308
Tempe AZ, 85282
Queen Creek
Sedona Red Rockets welcome
new members. Contact Alice Madar at redrockets@flyballdogs.com or
check out their website, http://www.flyballdogs.com/redrockets for more
Fast Traxx is always looking for new people with or
without dogs to join our team. If your dog loves to retrieve; is people and
dog friendly; if you're interested in enjoying your dog even more than you do
now; or, if you want practice or demo information, please contact Robyn Berg
at 928-376-0816 or
or visit our website at:
Xtreme Heat welcomes anyone interested
in flyball to contact us for more information about our practice and
racing schedule. We would be happy to have you join us. Call Kate
Turpin, 2025 S. 7th Avenue, Yuma, AZ 85364, 928-782-4235 or jaykaytee@prodigy.net.
ONLINE K9, Tucson's newest flyball team welcomes
all new and experienced people who appreciate spending quality time with
their dogs. Contact Robin Combs
Dust Devils, contact Judy Breitengross at
520-293-4435 or myrtle-1@comcast.net
Arkansas Furry Flyers are located in Conway AR and we welcome new
members. No experience necessary. We have class and practice on
Sunday afternoons. Times may vary depending on time of year. Email or
call for more information. We would love to have you join in the
phone 501-470-9161
Heather Brauer, twochimps@aol.com, is
interested in starting up a flyball team in the Bakersfield area. She has a
Golden Retriever who has done flyball for 3 years and used to be part of a
team in Santa Barbara, CA. They both miss flyball terribly and would
like to get back into it.
Dana Point
New flyball classes in south Orange County
California. Will be forming a new flyball team looking for people.
Also classes in Santiago Canyon, California if we get enough people.
Call Jean Trentini at 949-240-8578 or e-mail jeansmail9@worldnet.att.net.
Bark In The Park debuted in 1984. Please feel
free to contact us
today for information on training, membership, and
Bark In The Park Flyball Racing Team
PO Box 27312
Fresno, CA. 93729
Telephone: 559-299-6406
Email: stardog2@netzero.net
Website: www.flyballdogs.com/barkinthepark
Kings/Tulare/Kern Counties
Turn N' Spit Flyball Team is a newly
combined team in Kern, Kings, and Tulare counties. We are looking
for some awesome dogs and people to join our team. Please contact Candis @
559-240-4110 or flydogs24me@aol.com
or Stacie @ 559-410-5504 or
for more information on training and location. Private lessons available
on request.
Garden Grove
The Woof Gang team
always welcomes new dogs. Please contact: Nikki Myers at rodismom@hotmail.com, or 562-307-7409.
Marin Running Riot flyball club holds
beginning classes and team practice on Sundays in Novato.
http://flyballdogs.com/marinrunningriot for
more info.
The Ball Haulers are located in Modesto and are
always on the look out for new people/dogs. We're also willing to
assist any local teams in the general area in getting started, or
doing demos. Contact Rene Furiosi at arfuriosi@aol.com for more
Monterey Bay/south Santa Clara valley
Joe Herbert, joesveg@aol.com, is experienced in
running and coaching flyball and is interested in organizing a team.
Palm Springs
2 FAST 4 PAWS Flyball Racing Team is in Riverside
County. We are always looking for new members who want to have fun with
their dogs and attend tournaments in CA, AZ & NV. We practice in Palm
Springs and Beaumont, CA. For more information contact Brenda Mejia
The Sacramento Flyball Club is
offering beginning and intermediate flyball lessons in Sacramento.
For more information e-mail Jennifer Akins at doggietrio@yahoo.com
Fly Bulls is open to American Pit Bull Terriers, Amstaffs,
and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. GOALS are to have fun and educate
the public about the "pit bull" breeds. Contact Dawn Capp
at dawnapbt@yahoo.com for
more information.
Jeanne Davis is offering six-week Beginning and
Intermediate Flyball Lessons at various locations throughout the
Sacramento area. Please contact her at FlyballLessonsInSac@yahoo.comfor
more information.
Beginning classes are being held weekly. Casual
practices to prepare for tournaments are also available. Other clubs
are welcome and encouraged to come over to share Flyball fun during
tournament readiness and fool proofing practices. For more info,
contact Lana Anderson at ljanderson@wizwire.com,
530-878-3647, or http://www.busybeedogs.com.
San Diego
Southbark a new flyball team in San Diego is
looking for new interested parties. We workout on Sundays in Lakeside
@ El Monte Park. Visit us at http://www.flyballdogs.com/southbark for more info.
We Be Flyin practices at Poway Dog Park on Monday evenings
from 6-9 pm. Contact http://www.flyballdogs.com/webeflyin
or jan@flyinbcs.com for more
Fastfourward is based in the city of
San Diego but has team members throughout the county. Our policy is
all dogs on the team, when trained, get equal racing time. We
practice at Poway dog park on Wed evenings. For more info, visit our
website at www.flyballdogs.com/fastfourward or email
San Francisco
A Dog's Life and Run em Ragged Doggy Daycares are now holding flyball
classes in the SF Bay Area. Please contact them at one of the following
A Dog's Life - Palo Alto: 650-494-3647 or
Run em Ragged - Sunnyvale: 408-747-1111 or
San Jose
Patricia Alvarado, triciia@aol.com, is looking for people
interested in Flyball in the San Jose area.
Canine Higher Learning is offering flyball classes. Contact at 408-656-4386, dogtopia@earthlink.net,
Santa Cruz
Carol Walsh is looking for some fun with her
cattledog and would like to try flyball. There are no teams currently
in this area but I'd love to be part of one or start one up. She
can be reached via e-mail at richardson@epitrustee.com.
San Francisco & Oakland
Gold Rush
Flyball team is currently teaching Flyball, holding classes, and
practices in San Leandro (East Bay) on Sunday afternoons For more
info contact them at goldrush.flyball@attbi.com or
visit their website http://www.flyballdogs.com/goldrush
The Bay Racers practice in San Francisco
and other Bay Area locations. We would love new members. Check out
our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/bayracers.
San Jose
Team Pawdemonium holds
classes and practices on Saturday mornings in San Jose. Please
contact us at pawdemonium@yahoo.com and
check-out our web-site, http://www.flyballdogs.com/pawdemonium for
FAQ's, Class Info and Dog requirements.
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara Flyers have on going classes in
Agility, Flyball and Obedience. For more information contact Karen at
David at dpcaffo@yahoo.com,
Janet at
janetbourque@verizon.net or
check out the Club web site.
santa barbara supersonic is a recreational dog
club located in Santa Barbara, California. We are the only dog-sports club in
Santa Barbara focused solely on flyball. Contact Steve Shepard at
info@sbsupersonic.org for
information on class and practice schedules. Information is also available on
our website.
The RUFF Flyball Club is based in Denver, but has members
as far north as Greeley and as far south as the Colorado Springs area.
RUFF hosts and travels to Flyball tournaments, and offers beginner,
intermediate and advanced Flyball classes to dogs of any pedigree.
RUFF also gives back to the community and promotes responsible dog ownership
through Flyball demos and performances at local animal rescue events.
Please visit our web site for information on Tournaments, Demos, Classes, and
how to contact us: http://flyballdogs.com/ruff
D.E.O Speedwaggin' has 3 separate chapters in
Colorado. We are always looking for new
members. From this central website, you can contact/access any of the three
divisions flyballdogs.com/speedwaggin.
We also offer lessons of all different levels, train and participate in
tournaments, flyball demonstrations and performances. Our club goals
are to promote flyball, dog training and responsible pet
partnership--and to have fun with our dogs and other dog geeks!
Colorado Springs
Laura Buckley is interested in starting a
Flyball Team in Colorado Springs, CO. She can be reached at:
phone: (719) 531-5574
fax: (719) 260-5991
email: buckley@storsol.com
The Connecticut Frequent Flyers are based in
central Connecticut and classes/training sessions are currently held
in Manchester & Mystic. We are a competing team of 14+ people and
16+ dogs that always welcomes newcomers to the sport. Team contact
is: Team Captain: Gail Mirabella available via email at Gail_L_Mirabella@groton.pfizer.com.
Leslie Vincent is starting a team in lower Delaware.
She can be reached at SlowerLowerPups@aol.com.
Panhandle Supersonics is a
new team out of Pensacola, Florida (we are only 40 miles from Mobile,
Alabama). We welcome new members. For more info, visit our parent
club at http://www.flyballdogs.com/panhandle.
Florida Air Xpress is looking for
dog people interested in training for and running in tournaments in
Florida and the Southeast. All breeds and mixes may try this fun and
very exciting TEAM sport. contact Barbara Craig at flaairxp@aol.com or 863-644-1227 and
leave a message about flyball
Fort Myers
The Palm City Punchers is a flyball team
located in Ft Myers, FL. Anyone interested in starting their dog in
flyball or someone with experience looking to join a team should
contact them.
The High Tailers welcome new members.
Please visit their website or e-mail Cathy
Thompson at redtoller@aol.com
for more info.
Fort Lauderdale
Storm Riders, is
looking for interested K-9's and their owners in the surrounding
area. We offer beginners and advanced flyball classes, for more
information please contact Vicki Noonan at 954-766-1475, email
vicki_paws@msn.com, or visit
our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/stormwarning. We are
very willing to assist people interested in getting their own team
started, and in doing demos.
Flyball Dogs Unleashed and Paws for Nothin, 2 newly
formed Flyball teams practice every Sunday at 9am at
Jacksonville's newest dog park "Dogwood Park" For
directions, please visit www.jaxdogs.com. We have experienced
competition dogs on our team, however we are always looking to add
new members. No experience necessary. We are willing to help you
train your dog from scratch. http://www.jumpinjaxflyball.webs.com/ for more info.
Express Delivery is looking for interested
flyball candidates in the Central Florida area. With 4 years
experience and a Flyball Master dog already on the team, Express
Delivery is looking to have fun and get flyball going strong in the
Orlando area. Contact Rob Bitler at 386-532-7483 or rob@bitler.com.
NorAust Kennel and Training is a new group in Central Fl located
near Orlando/Clermont area. Teams will be competing in the SE
beginning in 2003. A fun group of individuals with excellent team
comradery. Contact: Cindy Elliott, NorAust Kennel and Training
352-429-9700 . Email noraustkennel@aol.com View our
webpage at www.geocities.com/noraustkennel
Dogsofsummer is a new
flyball club in Miami looking to add members and training sites.
Please visit our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/dogsofsummer or email
David Proe at dogs@doortosummer.com.
Express Delivery is
seeking people interested in starting a flyball team in the Central
Florida area. We are in Sanford, in Seminole County, between Orlando
and Daytona. For more information, contact PJ Lacette or Sandy
Best Paw Forward
2544 S. Park Drive
Sanford, FL 32773-5148
(407) 327-1920, (407) 328-0550
email: bestpaw@juno.com
Dog>Gone Flyball
is a fast growing Team on the West Coast of Florida. We welcome any
new or experienced dogs and their handlers to join us. Classes
(beginners through advanced) are held weekly at our training site
just off exit 210 (old 39) on I-75. Our team is also available for
Demos. For more information, email our Training Director, Nancy
Murphy at doggoneflyball@tampabay.rr.com
or visit our website at
Ketch This Flyball Racing Team hosts at least
one tournament per year and travels throughout the southeast to
compete in several other tournaments. Classes (beginners thru
advanced) are held each week at K9 Educational Training Center of
Hillsborough (KETCH). For more information contact us at:
K-9 Educational Training Center of Hillsborough (K.E.T.C.H.)
7709 Gardner Rd
Tampa, Florida 33625
email: ketcherboy@aol.com
website: http://www.flyballdogs.com/ketchthis
Tampa Bay Barkineers are recruiting new members.
Double Dog Dare holds classes and practices in the
Athens area at Lucky Dog Agility. The club is looking to grow by training new
dogs and handlers. Of course, the club also welcomes handlers with experienced
flyball dogs who relocate to the area. To learn more about Double Dog Dare,
please visit our web site at flyballdogs.com/dddare. For
information on our Introduction to Flyball class or team practices, please
contact Dana Hanson at 706-367-9813 or at
Georgia Cyclones holds private Flyball training
in the north-west Atlanta area and is actively seeking canine athletes and
eager handlers. Please contact Howard Bayerle at 678-721-0446 or
or visit us on the web at http://flyballdogs.com/georgia_cyclones.
Morgan Haney is looking for
people to practice with in Kingsland or the northern Jacksonville FL
area. If interested, please contact 912-674-0656 or mohaney@tds.net.
The Hit Squad Flyball Team will be holding beginner
flyball classes this winter at the Dog Training Club of
Champaign-Urbana building. The class begins January 21, 2000. For
more info contact Ashley Brandt, at 586-3800, or via e-mail at
October 5, 2001
Bordering on Insanity is a competitive flyball team forming in
the Northwestern suburbs of Chicago (and Ann Arbor MI). We are
recruiting experienced four legged athletes and handlers! If you have
that competitive edge and want to be part of a winning team, please
email Nannette Chernik and Chris Peach at flyball@syncg.com.
For information about Flyball training, please contact
Keri Girard Fay of Natural Disaster
Flyball at 309-565-0052 or
Jan Hicks of Paw Law Dog Training Academy offers
beginner and advanced flyball classes.
Jan Hicks
Paw Law Dog Training Academy
25 W 775 Lake St.
Roselle, IL 60172
Chicagoland - South Suburbs and Northern Indiana
See Paw Power Blues listed in Indiana
Cedar Lake
The Power Blues Flyball
Team welcomes new members. Please contact Karen Staley at
(708)489-6914 or email mixamutt@aol.com.
The Hurdlin'
Hoosiers flyball team is looking for new members in the central
Indiana area. We currently train on the northeast side of
Indianapolis. If interested please contact Sharon Tworek at
317-831-7683 or Janice Sams at jjsams@yahoo.com.
Cedar Rapids
The Hawkeye
Hustlers Flyball team welcomes new people in the Cedar Rapids
area. If we can be of any assistance, contact:
Jim Sova or Judy Hagan
Iowa Fly Dogs welcomes all visitors and
potential new members. Visit our web page at http://www.flyballdogs.com/iowaflydogs, email
or call Joe Acker (319) 560-2131.
The Cyclone Flyers would
like to welcome any interested dog owners or dog enthusiasts to our
team. Centrally located practices for those in Ames, Des Moines, and
surrounding areas. Please visit our web site at http://www.flyballdogs.com/cycloneflyers or
contact anichole@iastate.edu.
North Liberty
The Jammn K9s is based
out of North Liberty. We are close to Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. We
have many experienced members who've competed on other clubs, and
offer excellent training opportunities. If interested visit our
web site, or contact Mary Bolton (mary-bolton@uiowa.edu)
Iowa City
The Skidmarkz welcome
inquiries from people in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. Visit
our Web page at http://www.flyballdogs.com/skidmarkz or contact Jo
Pearson at jo@jpearson.info or
Kansas City
Please see Flexible
Flyers under Missouri.
Smash Paws is an up &
coming team in Wichita, Kansas and are looking for new members.
Please contact us at flyball@smashpaws.com.
See Droolin' Dragsters under Tennesee.
Angela Ferguson is looking to form a flyball team in the Somerset
area of Kentucky. Lessons offered. Contact angela@imagineopals.com or call
The Cajun Canines are insearch of new members.
We are a fairly new team. We are in need of dogs and owners who enjoy
having fun, want to have fun, and want to come together to make our
team a success! All breeds and mixed breeds are welcome. Our team may
reside in Slidell, but we encourage anyone from the New Orleans metro
area - Covington - Mandeville - and anyone from Mississippi to come,
participate, and have FUN with us! If have any questions - you can
contact me - Lindsey McCann at 985-643-2113 or my email gottahavebc@aol.com.
Tanya Lee is looking to start a flyball team in
Monroe, Lousiana. Any interested parties should e-mail her at
or write to:
Tanya Lee
755 Ole Hwy 15 Lot 90
West Monroe, La 71291
Baton Rouge
If interested in playing flyball in the Baton Rouge area contact
Shani Matkins at lsu1990@cox.net.
Mid Coast
Leaping Dogs is offering foundation lasses, flyball training, team
practice and flyball social club in Mid Coast Maine. Collaborating with
Flyball MAINEiacs we are working to establish an annex team in the Mid Coast
area. Classes are offered in Rockport, Lincolnville and Belfast.
For more info Leaping Dogs or
E-mail sumac@leapingdogs.com.
The 4 Dog Night Flyball
Team is a new team that is interested in acquiring people who are are
willing to have fun with their dogs in the sport of flyball. We are a
new team and hold classes at the Coventry School, Inc. for Dogs &
Their People in Columbia, MD on Saturday nights. We offer beginner,
intermediate, and advanced classes. For more information about us
check out our website: http://www.flyballdogs.com/4dognight
Corporal Punishment
is the flyball team sponsored by the Mason Dixon Kennel Club located in
Boonsboro, Maryland. Email corporal@flyballdogs.com
for more information.
We are looking for people or teams interested in
Flyball. We live in Easton, MD on the Eastern Shore, within a 1 hour
drive from Annapolis, Salisbury, or Dover, Delaware. Please contact
us at dmoore@shore.intercom.net.
Two Lane Highway is in Gaithersburg, Maryland and
we're looking for dogs and people interested in flyball. Drop-in
classes for beginners and up are held on Friday nights at 7:30 pm.
All dogs and people welcome to stop by and give it a try! For more
information contact Erin Saywell, theredqueen@comcast.net or John Deitrich, 410-970-6161.
Southern Maryland
See Obsessed
K9's under Virginia
Barb Black
maintains flyball information in the New England area at http://www.flyballdogs.com/arff on her training page.
Boston Stragglers is always looking for new
members. Visit their website at
http://flyballdogs.com/bostonstragglers or
contact them at
for more info.
Western Massachusetts
February 12, 2006
Pioneer Valley Waggin' Tails Flyball Club offers
classes and practice at AW Browns in East Longmeadow, Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30pm.
Contact: Suzanne Natale at
or 413-245-9459.
The Canine Express
Flyball Team is located in Clinton Township and is always interested
in new members. We host one tournament a year and run in at least
ten, we have a variety of breeds of dogs. For more information please
contact, Maureen McKernan via email at
canineex@yahoo.com or visit our
Ann Arbor
Smokin Paws is looking for some new people
that would like to play flyball. We are a small team and average
12-14 tournaments a year. Contact Todd & Kari Morningstar at
todd_kari@yahoo.com for more info.
See the Bordering on Insanity
entry under Chicago, IL.
ARMBCR Junkyard
Dogs is looking for new team members. All breeds, mixes and sizes
welcome. Our only requirements are the dog be adopted from a rescue
organization, humane society, animal control or as a stray;
up-to-date on vaccinations; and neutered. ARMBCR Junkyard Dogs is
sponsored by Animal Rescue Michigan Border Collie Rescue. If
interested, contact Deb Royal at DebRoyal@yahoo.com or 734.641.1398.
Pedal Pushers has resurfaced as a small but growing team. We are
considering new members. We train and practice mainly in Ann Arbor. Contact:
The Overdogs are a new team and we're looking for
more people to play! Any dog, purebred or mixed, is more than welcome
to come. Classes and team practice are on Friday nights at the
Obedience Training Club of Greater Lansing. For more information
contact Mel Flesberg at
Christy Felty is Looking to start flyball team in
her area. All breeds and mixes welcome. She can be contacted at
The Wooferines are a new team in Michigan
with a group of very experienced dedicated flyball trainers. We are
looking for new or experienced players to add to our group of Team
Players. Our goals are to have fun, laugh, and race well!!! Any level
of commitment is ok with us. So if you are interested please email
The Wooferines at: wooferines@yahoo.com
Kansas City
Flexible Flyers
are a new team in Kansas City. Please contact Jennifer Fitzwater at
jenfitzh20@yahoo.com for
more into.
St Louis
The Arch Rivals Flyball
Team offers year round classes in Flyball as well as one day
seminars to just "try it out" For more information visit
our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/archrivals or call
Sneak Attack welcomes new members, please contact Mary
Fuller at mlfuller@nothnbut.net or Faith
Baldwin at yomugzy@hotmail.com.
Sarah and Kris have recently relocated to Joplin, MO
and are looking for people interested in a team. They can be
contacted through their former teammate in WI, Val Peltier, valerie@newrichmond.wi.frontiercomm.net
Twin Cities
Happy Hurdlers
welcomes new dogs and handlers. Visit our website or contact Kathryn Hogg for more info.
Dynomutts offers flyball classes and
welcomes new people to team practice. Visit their website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/dynomutts for more
The BOTC Flyball team is currently teaching Flyball, holding classes,
and practices in Bloomington on Friday nights at 7:00.
We are rebuilding our team and welcome new dogs and handlers. Visit our
website or contact Bob at bjona@juno.com
or call 612.597.6989.
All Breed's Bark Ravin' Mad - new dogs always welcome.
Beginner classes and team classes available. Contact Mary Moore at
Omaha Speed Racers always
welcomes new or experienced people to our team.Contact Crystal Kuhns
at ckuhns@amvcms.com or visit
more info
RF Revolution is a small group of individuals
dedicated to competitive racing while having fun. We are looking for a few
experienced handlers and dogs interested in racing in the Central/Northern
California and Northern Nevada areas. Introduction
and beginning flyball classes are now available to folks interested in learning
about this fast paced and exciting sport while developing a partnership with
their dog through through positive reinforcement, fun and play. Please contact
Liz or Bill Carter at
liz@thejackswild.com, 775-813-0856,
or visit our website at
Carson City, Tahoe, Reno
Silver Streaks is has team members from all
over Northern Nevada
and are looking for new members. We offer lessons on a regular basis for
those that would like to try the sport. We host practice times in Reno and
Carson City. If you are interested in having some fun with your pup contact
Stacey at
Kirk and Melinda Sowash report that Powerpack is a new team located in Pahrump, NV about
45 miles outside of Las Vegas. Kirk and Melinda can be reached at
colorcountry@pahrump.net or
775-727-0367 for more info about the team or inquiring about demos.
Las Vegas
The Touch N Go Flyball
team is looking for new members. If your dog is your life and your
dog loves a ball we might be the team for you. Please contact Katy
Kaylor at katy@tng-flyball.com or Brett
Williams at brett@tng-flyball.com Serious
inquiries only please!
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Central New Jersey
Garden State Barkway practices in Central
New Jersey. For more in contact Paul at
gsbarkway@optonline.net or visit
their website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/barkway.
Great Balls of Fire currently has two teams and is
always looking for new members. If you want to have fun, laugh a lot,
and live with a ball crazy dog, let us know. We practice both indoors
and outdoors. For Information contact Cheryl Smagala at twks@hotmail.com.
Berlin (Camden area)
Flyball classes are offered at
Wonderdogs. For more info call Barbara
Kahn at 856-767-6464.
Bergen County
Kellar's Canine Academy
New Mexico
Dena Schneider is looking for interested individuals to learn flyball
in Edgewood, NM. All breeds and training levels welcome. For more
information, please call 843-367-7079 or e-mail
Duke City Chile Dogs welcomes
new members.
Contact Deb Morse at chiledog@comcast.net or 505-897-8078 for
more information.
The High Desert Sundogs Flyball Club is active in
the Albuquerque area. W e practice weekly, hold classes, and give Flyball
demonstrations periodically. If you're interested in learning more, contact
or visit our website at
New York
Fetch 'n Fly of Western New York is looking for
flyball dogs and humans for Rochester's only competitive team.
Currently the team practices on Friday nights at Add en On Kennels in
Mendon. To reach Fetch 'n Fly call Ann at 716-264-1086 or Kay
Sadowsky 716-338-7577. Any questions can be sent to amspazz@eznet.net.
Buffalo Wings practices every
Sunday at the All Dawg's Academy in the Wurlizter Building in North
Tonawanda on Niagara Falls Blvd., barring tournaments we're traveling to
or holidays.
Our core group has been together many years, offering experience, good
fun and competitiveness to interested handlers and dogs. We also
conduct beginner and intermediate flyball classes intermittently
throughout the year. Contact Janice Grimes-Davis @ 716-839-0169 or
Kathy Austin at 585-395-1505. Our e-mail addresses, dog profiles,
general flyball and team information are available at our web site
listed abovepractices
Long Island
Susan McGrew,
is starting a team on Long Island, NY. Practices will be held at the
Well Mannered Dog training facility in East Northport. For more info
e-mail Susan or call her at (516) 696-1030.
Hudson Valley
Infurno is in the process of forming a flyball team
in the Hudson Valley area. We offer training locally and strive to teach the
components of Flyball to handlers and dogs. We are all about having fun and
strengthening the bond between handler and dog. We're keen on introducing
techniques used by the best teams in the world so we can produce results that
are safe and competitive. We want to bring out the best in every dog and
handler/dog relationship.
Contact Kathy NYLADY1210@aol.com with
any question.
North Carolina
The Carolina Panters
is a new team starting up in the Charlotte area. For more information
contact Karlei Womack at karken1@bellsouth.net or visit
their web site at http://www.flyballdogs.com/carolinapanters.
Rocky Mount - Wilson
Bark Raving
Mad is a new, young and growing dog club in the Rocky Mount -
Wilson area, and we're interested in new members, experienced or
beginners. Practices time varies during the year to meet member
schedules -- contact us for our next scheduled time. We hold beginner
sessions at each practice - so no experience necessary! Your dog is
begging you to contact us! We welcome visitors to our practices for
those who want to see what Flyball is like. Contact Chris at (252)
446-4537, thewuf@barkravingmad.com.
Carolina Canines (aka CK9) is welcoming new team
members. Our team practices indoors at the brand new Dog Gone Fun training
facility in Kernersville, NC. For more info, visit our
The Blockade Runners
are looking for more teammates in the Raleigh, NC area. For more
information, contact:
Tammy Bonas
e-mail: scooterbelle@bellsouth.net
New Fayetteville, NC flyball team just starting up. Come have some doggone
fun! E-mail Angela at
DogGoneFast Flyball team
is an established team that welcomes new members. We conduct beginner
flyball training classes and welcome all dogs who like dogs. Come
join the fun! For more information, see our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/doggonefast, contact
Amanda at doggonefast@yahoo.com, or call
Adel Miles lives
in Monroe and is looking for people interested in starting a team.
Research Triangle Park
Go Dog Go!
welcomes new members. Please contact Nadine at nmcbride@nc.rr.com for more
The Reeking Havoc Flyball Team of Southern Ohio is located in
Clarksville, OH, just outside of Cincinnati. We are a a group of friends and
family who enjoy training our dogs and playing Flyball. If you have a ball
crazy dog and enjoy team sports and traveling, we are looking for you. Dogs
must not be dog-aggressive. For more information, please go to
our website or contact DeeDee
Vandiver at deedee@reekinghavocflyball.com.
S.W.A.T., "Speed With AttiTude", Flyball Team offers flyball demos,
training and practice for dog owners in the Northeast Ohio area.
Please contact Denis Breno at
Dkbreno@hotmail.com or call
440-878-1830 and come for a visit, everyone is welcome.
Cleveland Fur in a Blur is based in the Northeast
Ohio area and welcomes visitors. Classes and practices are held weekly. For
more information check out our website at flyballdogs.com/furinablur For demonstration requests contact Karen at
Spoiled Sports flyball team is looking to expand its team. We do travel to a
few tournaments a year and practice weekly. Located in Geneva Ohio. E-mail
Liberty Township/Cincinnati
The Controlled Chaos Flyball Team
is a young and growing club. We are interested in members that want
to have fun with their dogs. All breeds, mixes and sizes are welcome.
For more information contact: Linda Aaron (513-737-5952); email:
webpage: http://www.flyballdogs.com/controlledchaos
Insanity is looking for people interested in Flyball in the
Greenville/Dayton Ohio area, especially those with a strong desire to
compete. Anyone interested please contact Russell at 937-692-8457,
or our website.
New team forming in Loveland, OH. For more
information, contact Tera at 513-779- 3822 or email at TGordos@eos.net.
Joy is looking for people interested in starting a
team in the Marietta area. She has a box and has been involved in
Flyball with another team prior to moving. She can be reached via
e-mail at grizzly879@aol.com
Larry Kerr is looking for people interested in
Flyball in the Akron area. He can be reached via e-mail at LKerr78253@aol.com or at 330-869-9060
(work) or 330-836-7197 (home).
Oklahoma City
No Bones About It
Flyball team is now meeting in Oklahoma City! Our indoor facility is
at N.E. 36th and Grand at the Oklahoma Military Department
Headquarters, across from Lincoln Park Golf Course. Advanced,
beginner and dogs that have never tried Flyball are very welcome! For
more information contact Carolyn Hart at 405-478-2135, carolyn.hart@expresspersonnel.com
or flyball@ionet.net and be
sure and check out our web-site at http://www.flyballdogs.com/nobones.
Salem & Monmouth
Muddy Paws A Flyin' is a new team
starting to practice in Salem. We train under the Guidance of Dog
Gone Good. We practice on Wednesday and Friday nights, at a local
Humane Society. All questions regarding practices should be directed
towards dggdogs@msn.com or
Katie is looking for a team near Roseburg Oregon.
She can be reached via e-mail at yellowlabsrule@animail.net.
Klamath Falls
majesty@cvc.net is in Klamath Falls and
is willing to travel as far as Eugene for practices!.
Grants Pass
Barbara Glynn would like to learn about flyball
and possibly join a team. She can be reached via e-mail at hunter@budget.net.
Laura is looking for others in the Portland area interested
in a new flyball team. I have necessary equipment and a place to
practice. Email me for info at flyingpuppies@hotmail.com.
Barbara is looking for people and dogs that are interested in learning more
about flyball. I would very much love to get a team together in the area. If
you're looking for an outlet for your high energy dog, flyball might just be
the cure! Any breed can play. I have all the equipment needed to get
For more info, please contact Barbara Liebchen "Shake Rattle N Roll" at
Deb is starting a team and offering classes in the Allentown PA area. Both
experienced and new people would are welcome. She can be contacted at
Lewisburg area is about 1 hr north of Harrisburg.
Lock n' Load Flyball Team offers
Flyball Classes for all levels of training and competition. For more
information contact Christy at
Classes are offered at Y2K9s Dog Sports Club that prepare dogs for play, and
they are free to run with any team after training. See http://www.y2k9s.net for additional information.
Furever Fun, the northern branch of Fur Fun (currently headquartered
in North Carolina) in one of three teams that work out of this program. Contact
Deb Norman at normanland@comcast.net
for further information.
Splash and Dash K9 Sports is looking for people interested in forming a
flyball team in the Pittsburgh, PA area. We are offering flyball weekly classes
at Splash and Dash K9 Sports and are forming a team. We can be reached at
State College
Electric Sneakers flyball team is welcoming new
members. We meet in the State College area. If you have an interest
in flyball and your dog loves tennis balls, and other dogs, contact
Cindy Tier at cindr4bc@csrlink.net or telephone
United We Fly is a flyball club in Wellsville, PA (near Carlisle, Dillsburg,
Harrisburg, and York) always looking for new members! Our web site is
http://flyballdogs.com/unitedwefly and our practice
dates are listed there. Contact Matt Durlin at
dln170@yahoo.com for more information!
The Jet Set team trains at
Canine Companions, Bainbridge PA (Near Harrisburg). Contact Colleen
Mrakovich via e-mail at caninecompanions@juno.com or
(717) 367-8787 for more info. They are hosting the first ever Flyball
Tournament in Central PA on March 27, 1999 at Paws-Abilities, benefit
for Susquehanna Service Dogs. More information about the event may be
obtained from the SSD web site at http://www.flyballdogs.com/jetset
Chester County
Release The Hounds are
based in Chester County, PA. We train and compete in the sport of
Flyball. We offer classes to train your dog to play Flyball. For more
information check out our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/rth/.
Flyball classes are being offered in the Wilkes-Barre area. We are looking
to form a team for competition but that is not a requirement for taking
classes. Come have fun with your dog and learn a new sport! Classes are ongoing.
All breeds welcome. Positive motivational methods used. For more
information, contact Cheryl Butchko, All 4 One Flyball, at sulingb@aol.com.
Flyballdogs Anonymous, contact Anita Butler, hobbyslildesign@aol.com, 717-449-0676 or Barbara Blotter,
Rhode Island
Mico Nelso is looking for people to form a team
in Rhode Island.
Mico Nelson
118A Bonnet Shores Road
Narragansett, RI 02882
South Carolina
On Your Bark! is based in Columbia, SC and
welcomes new members. Practices are held weekly and we also offer
classes and seminars. For additional information, please contact
Pawmetto Pack is currently holding practices in Florence. Please contact
for more information. All breeds and training levels welcome.
Greenville County
Keith Yockey is starting a team and is looking for more
dogs. He lives in Greenville County SC, halfway between Charlotte and
Atlanta and can be contacted via e-mail at Yockmister@worldnet.att.net.
Myrtle Beach/Grand Strand
Laura Weaver is looking to form a
"practice club". All dogs are welcome and she can be
reached at inletkid@yahoo.com.
Clarksville, Dickson
The Queen City Road Runners are located between
Clarksville and Dickson, TN. To find out more, contact Eli at
icflyball@earthlink.net. For
more info, consult their web page at
The Droolin' Dragsters is a new flyball team with
members from the Clarksville, TN/Trenton, KY area. We are looking for people
interested in flyball training. For more information, please contact Gary at
jonesbunch@kih.net or Lauran at
Austin Flyball Association accepts new members.
Contact them via their website or
The Top Dog Racers in Dallas
welcomes new members. They can be contacted at:
D.A.S.H. (Dallas Area Speed Hounds) welcomes new
members and offers beginning flyball classes. Visitors are welcome to
view practice at Flag Pole Hill in Dallas, Texas. Contact Jennifer Rekart
at 903-436-1778 for practice times and class schedule or
The Sure Shots Flyball Club offers private
lessons for new and experienced Flyball dogs and are looking for new members.
Website: http://flyballdogs.com/sureshots
Contact: Robbie & Sonya Barton
Email: barton@brit.com,
People and
Canines, contact Doreen Rackley at Rackley2and2@msn.com.
Canine Conspiracy welcomes people
& their dogs that might be looking for some fun in the sport of
Flyball! We are located in the Kingwood/Porter/Atascocita area. We have
practice at the South Paw Obedience
Training facility in Porter, Texas. Onlookers are welcomed, but call in
advance to check on times. Contact Kevin or Tracy Waterfallen at
281-354-7768, tracy@puppyschool.com
for more information.
East and Central
East Texas Working Dog Assn welcomes new members. For more info, contact
Elaine McCollough
716 FM 2436
La Grange, TX 78945
West Jordan
Thunder Paws is a new flyball team in the
Salt Lake Valley. Classes are in session and are welcoming new
members. If your dog love balls and you love your dog, you've
come to the right place. Visit their website
or contact Laurie at laurienaylor@live.com
for more information.
Champlain Valley
A new team is forming in the Champlain
Valley region of Vermont. Contact Cassy Lamothe at clamothe@aol.com
Furs Gonna Fly is a team based in Northern
Virginia that is looking for people that are interested in flyball and want
to have fun. We welcome beginners and experienced dogs and handlers. Please
for more information and current class schedule or visit our
The CIA Flyball Racing Team welcomes dog of all breeds to
come and enjoy the
team sport of flyball. Our team comes from all over VA (and even SC!), and we
like to travel to see new places and compete (FL, GA, MD, NC, PA, SC, VA +
Canada in 2005!).
Beginners can learn the sport from one of the two flyball judges in the
state of Virginia during our classes taught at www.pupniron.com or you can
catch us in action at one of the many demos we provide in our communities.
Inquires are welcome from both beginners and experienced flyballers
Please contact roncash@adelphia.net
for info.
Hampton Roads/Tidewater
The Hairier Jump Jets welcomes new members.
Please consult their web page for up
to date contact information.
Loudoun/Western Fairfax
The Beltway
Bandits are looking for people in the metropolitan Washington, DC
area interested in learning more about the sport of Flyball. We meet
most Sunday evenings at 6:30 PM at A Click Above in Leesburg, VA for
team practice and the training of new dogs/handlers. We are offering
structured training classes several times a year. No prior experience
is required!
Please contact Jim Spitznas by e-mail at jspitznas@msn.com or by phone at
540.338.3921 to for more information or to determine the current
practice schedule.
The K-9 Kamikazes Flyball team is
looking for high energy dogs and handlers in the Richmond VA area that
are interested in flyball and want to have fun. We practice most Friday
nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at
All Dog Adventures at 4111 W Clay St, Richmond, VA 23230. We offer
beginner classes several times a year. For more information, call All Dog at
804-355-7737 or visit our
Springfield, VA is home to FBI (that's short
for FlyBall Invaders). Our team also gives flyball classes through
the Fairfax County Park Authority at Wakefield Park (less than a mile
off the beltway at exit 55west). For more information on our team or
classes, contact Terri Parrow at 703-569-8414 or terri@flyball-fbi.com or Flyball Invaders. Obsessed K9's is
a flyball team that wants to have fun first. We are located in
Northern Virginia and Southern MD. Classes are taught in both
locations. For more information, please email Janell Stringer at
sjstringer@gmpexpress.net or
Sandy would like to find a flyball team
or classes. She can be reached at hntr7jmper@aol.com.
Border On Insanity - East is a new
competitive flyball team. Our club is based in Warrenton, but some of
our members live as far away as Pennsylvania and Southern Virginia.
We hold practices in Richmond Virginia and Manassas Virginia. We also
teach flyball classes twice a month in Manassas Virginia. For more
information please email BOIeastflyball@yahoo.com or
Seattle Flydogs is a community driven club
specializing in training dogs for Flyball. Our training manager has many years
of experience training flyball dogs and many of her students have gone on to
achieve highest marks from NAFA. We want all dogs to have a place to play
Flyball for fun, for sport and for competition. Please visit our web
site for our full mission statement http://flyballdogs.com/seattleflydogs.
The Jet City Jumpers
Flyball Club accepts inquiries
from dogs wanting to join a team in Seattle area. Training classes
are offered. Please contact them at
info@jetcityjumpers.com, or
visit their website.
Unorthodogs is a new club in Seattle area, formed
in the fall of 2006. We are looking to be competitive in Region 7. We have
both new and experienced dogs and handlers on our team. Interested in finding
a club? Unorthodogs motto is "expect the unexpected". Please
visit our website for more info.
The Cascade Comets are a Seattle area dog
sports club. As a team we like to promote positive training in a fun
environment and do all that we can to give every dog and handler success. The
purpose of this blog is to provide a history of training tactics and team
The SpoK-9's flyball team is located in Spokane. We are always seeking new
dogs and people interested in recreational or tournament flyball competition.
Details about the club and contact information can be obtained at their
website, http://flyballdogs.com/spo-k9s.
Bridget Schwartz is forming a Flyball club in
Vancouver, Washington. She can be reached via e-mail at bridget@bridge-i-t.com
Chippewa Falls
Chippewa Valley Wuff Pack
The High Fives team is up and
running in South eastern WI. They welcome new members and for more
info contact
Patti Muraczewski
768 Swan Dr.
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Wisconsin Rapids
River Cities Canine Club in Wisconsin Rapids
is looking for other flyball teams in the area & people
interested in starting a flyball team. They can be reached via e-mail
at tpg@coredcs.com.
Paw Position will be holding classes in
conjunction with 4 Paws Dog Training. Contact Sandi at sandilp@powerweb.net or Carl at
vcad11541@aol.com for more
Flyball classes are held Mad City Dog Training. For more info call
608-273-9797 or email info@madcitydog.com.
Two Rivers
Diana Sheley is with a group of people
working on getting a team started. For more info, contact:
Diana Sheley
12211 Lakeshore Rd
Two Rivers, WI 54241
email: dsheley@lakefield.net
Redline Dogsports is a new group of experienced
We offer training and weekly practise sessions. Anyone interested in flyball
is welcome to contact us. Come join the fun! Contact Mona Johnson at
kmjo@shaw.ca and check out our website:
FastAntics Flyball Team
is an active group competing around Alberta. We hold regular
practises and offer training. We are always ready to welcome new
people. Contact Christine McTavish at
The Calgary Longshots are a
small team in Calgary who are out to have a really fun time!! We are
always on the lookout for new members. If you are interested contact
Kay de Veyrac at mini.schnauzer@shaw.ca.
Quad Run Flyball team is located in
Edmonton, Alberta. We are a multi-breed team that is always trying to
improve, while still having fun running our dogs. We offer flyball
lessons throughout the year, for those who are interested in pursuing
the sport. For more information, please check our website at www.flyballdogs.com/quadrun, email Lara Sorensen at
British Columbia
Dogwood Pacesetters practices at the fairgrounds in Cloverdale. Please
contact Cathy Kenzie at cathykenzie@telus.net for more information.
Matsqui Flyball & Agility
Club, Anna Bergen
2952 Sidoni Place
Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K1
BurnabyPaws Ahead K-9 Sports Centre offers training for flyball,
obedience, and agility. They can be reached at
Paws Ahead K-9 Sports Centre
4025 E 2nd Avenue
Burnaby BC V5C 3X 1
Campbell River
CRK9FX team in Campbell River is up and
going. We weclome new members and can be reached at gtiede@oberon.ark.com or by phone
at 250-923-1674.
Cowichan Valley
MC2 is from Cowichan
Valley and is always looking for new members. No experience
necessary. For further information contact us at mc2fb@shaw.ca or visit our web site at
The Kaotic K9's practice
in Langley and Surrey (depending on season). Contact kaotick9s@flyballdogs.com for
more info.
Maple Ridge
The Ridge Runners Flyball Club. Contact: Deb
Lucas via e-mail at
Port Moody
Dream Team Flyball Club can be contacted via their
website at http://flyballdogs.com/dreamteam.
Established in Victoria in 1985, the Capital
Comets Dog Sports Club is a non-profit Society dedicated to the
promotion of canine good citizenship and working partnerships between
dogs and their owners through participation in Flyball and Agility.
We do demos, offer training classes, and host and compete in both
sports. For more information please contact:
Angelic Ebbers, Flyball Coordinator
(250) 544-0774 |
Helen Moulden, Agility Coordinator
(250) 656-7695 |
You can also contact us by e-mail at: capcomets@homestead.com and our
web site is http://www.flyballdogs.com/capitalcomets
Barn Stormers is located at the Saanich
Fairgrounds, just north of Victoria. We welcome inquiries from interested
dog handlers, experienced flyballers, or those wanting to learn.
Visit our website at http://flyballdogs.com/barnstormers
Victoria PWR Dogs are located in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada. We practice on Monday nights, teach
beginner flyball classes, perform flyball demos for local events and
compete in numerous tournaments throughout the Pacific Northwest. For
more information please visit our website at
Rabid Racers welcomes new members. Visit
their website for more information.
Island Dog
Sports teaches Flyball and Agility for competition or recreation.
We do demos all year long. Contact Peni Fitzpatrick 250-656-1659 or
Spirit Catchers is a Barrie based team looking for new people and
dogs. We practice sat mornings in Beeton Ont. Contact Monica Johnny at
705-727-0282 or email
Vankleek Hill & Cumberland
K9 Xpress: contact Bev
Hurst at 613-678-2553 or bevhurst@hawk.igs.net for more
Double Impact welcomes
inquiries from handlers and dogs wanting to join flyball. Anyone
interested and for more information please contact Mary Shoebridge at
For more information about Double Impact
please check out our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/double_impact.
Turn & Burn welcomes
inquiries from dogs wanting to join a team in Southwestern Ontario.
We practice south of Putnam. For more info contact:
Deb Harley
The M.A.C. Attack Flyball Team is
always seeking interested dogs and handlers. We offer classes in
London that are fun and rewarding. Our website is http://www.flyballdogs.com/mac.
You can get more information from Don Purchase @ (519) 451-7977 or
email t macflyball@home.com.
A new team is forming in Hamilton. We need a few more who are dedicated,
no experience necessary, willing to learn and want to have fun. Anyone
interested can contact Colleen Miller or Deanna Jackson at
Holland Landing/Bradford/Newmarket
Hair Trigger/DogSmart Training currently holds
indoor flyball classes in Holland Landing just north of Newmarket,
ON. Our winter training and classes are held at Richmond Green
located in Richmond Hill. Lots of info is available on our website
http://www.flyballdogs.com/hairtrigger or
contact marnismith@rogers.com.
Durham and Clarington Area
SuperDog Central Inc offer's two levels of flyball and continued coaching.
Classes available in the Bowmanville, Ontario area. For more info please
contact Morgan Jarvis at
or visit www.superdogcentral.com.
Extreme Chaos is a new club and welcomes
inquires from experienced dogs and handlers wanting to join a team on
the northern outskirts of Toronto, Ontario. We are a fun group of
people that love the sport of flyball. Check out our webpage at
or contact us at extremechaos@flyballdogs.com.
Hot Diggity Dogs Flyball Club practices on
Sundays in an indoor facility and welcome all levels of flyball
enthusiasts. For more info contact Denny or Natalie Cornell at
613-398-0002 or natrat@xplornet.ca.
Orangeville/Dufferin County
Traction welcomes new members and has plenty of information on
their web site.
New Age Dog Sports practices weekly and are
always looking for new dogs and their owners. For additional info
Nancy Boudreau
2715 Orser Rd
RR #1
Elginburg, ON
Thunder Bay
K-9 Studio Strike Force Flyball Team
practices once a week, indoors in winter and outdoors in summer.
Persons new to flyball must first take Beginners I & II flyball
which is run by K9 Studios (separate from the team itself) Contact
phone #807-623-2433 or the website is http://www.k-9studio.com to find out
details on the next session of Beginner Flyball.
Contact Nancy Houlton at jhoulton@tbaytel.net or Karen Boyes
at aussies3@shaw.ca for more
After Burners welcome new members. Contact
Marian Poyner at 613-831-1337 or afterburnersflyball@hotmail.com
for information.
New Brunswick
Push Play is pleased to offer flyball classes from
beginner to competition levels (Level 1, 2, 3). Anyone interested in flyball
in New Brunswick, please contact:
Shelley Dow, Class Registration Coordinator
Push Play! Flyball Club of NB
dowbutt@nbnet.nb.ca or
(Enter "Flyball Classes" in the subject line of your email)
Bring your best (canine) friend out and experience fun and fitness for
both of you through the sport of flyball! We strongly believe in the use of
POSITIVE training. Flyball is a FUN sport for dog and handler alike. This
sport is a great motivator for people to become more involved with their
canine companions.
Corner Brook
The Newfie Bullets, located in Western
Newfoundland near Corner Brook, are always interested in having new
people come out and discover the sport. No pressure to compete, fun
with your dog is the main priority! Contact Lisa Giroux lisa@k9station.com or call
Nova Scotia
Lietash Supernovas holds
flyball classes at a beginner to competition Levels. Anyone
interested in flyball in Nova Scotia, please feel free to contact:
Jane Smith
Lietash Super Novas Head Coach
Scotia Dust Devils
is based in Enfield and has members from Halifax to Truro and
surrounding areas. Contact Peter Parry at pethouse@ns.sympatico.ca or
902-758-3297 for information on basic flyball training and
competitive practices.
Prince Edward Island
Scotia Dust Devils
offers basic flyball training and competitive practices at their PEI
branch. Contact Dave Panting at davepanting@juno.com or
DogZworth races in ON and occasionally in Atlantic
Canada, MI and New England. We offer flyball lessons to beginner and advanced
dogs in Montreal West, Quebec. For more information, visit our web site at
or contact Ally at
Overdrive is Saskatoon's newest Flyball club. Started
in 2010 by an energetic and enthusiastic group of people who wanted to bring
the fun back into flyball. We host weekly practice and many other social events
throughout the year and are the most active club in Saskatoon traveling to
tournaments in AB, SK, MB, and beyond.
Although we are competitive in the racing lanes we never loose sight of the
reason we are all here in the first place - for the love of our dogs! We offer
classes for the beginner right through to competition level and believe that
all breeds deserve a chance to play! If you would like to learn more or come
out and watch a practice please contact Jillian Scharfstein at
nbdobedience@gmail.com or visit our
website at http://flyballdogs.com/overdrive/.
Diamonds in the
Ruff is Saskatoon's newest flyball club (September 2001). We
are a fun, enthusiastic group of people that love the team sport of
flyball. The goals of our club revolve around the fitness, health and
well-being of man's best friend. Enthusiasm and a good sense of
humor are the only pre-requisites.
Our club practices once a week during most of the year. This
winter we will practicing Saturday afternoons and in January we will
offer beginner and advanced training on Saturday afternoons. Contact
Karen Machin 306-955-2570 for more information visit our website at
River Runners is always looking for
new members. We boast of having the widest range of dog breeds
participating in our club, from the first racing Clumbar spaniel to
miniature pinschers to great dane crosses. All sizes and shapes of
dogs are welcome!
Our flyball team practices weekly (most of the year) inside in the
winter and outside during the summer. We host a tournament once a
year. To see our team practice or for more infomation on either
flyball classes or obedience classes contact Ferne at 306-382-0493.
e-mail: rugratsandfriends@home.com or
visit our website at http://www.flyballdogs.com/riverrunners.
United Kingdom
The Break-Aways train in the Lincoln area. We
are always willing to welcome folks who would like to do flyball with
their dog. Please contact Valerie Rothlisberger-Jones at bridie@flyball1.fsnet.co.uk
for more info.
Copyright © Kathryn Hogg, kjh@flyballdogs.com
NAFA and the NAFA logo are
registered trademarks of the North American Flyball
Association, Inc. |