Intermediate classes

overdrive flyball

  • The intermediate flyball class is designed for the dog that has completed an introductory level flyball class. This class focuses on:
    •                         1.) Consistent completion of the run
    •                                 - over 4 jumps, hit the box, catch the ball and return over all 4 jumps
    •                         2.) Consistent completion of the swimmers turn on the box
    •                         3.) Competition Preparation:
      •                                             - Passing other dogs

      •                                  - Distractions (dogs in the other lane, loose balls, etc.)

      •                                  - Improving speed


Skills learnt in the beginner class are further developed and put together to complete the full run. Dogs are also  introduced to the existing team dogs in a controlled environment and passing skills are developed.

We recognize that not all dogs will progress at the same rate, so this class is tailored to meet the individual participants needs. We evaluate each element of the flyball run to concentrate on areas that require improvement.

FAQ: When is a dog ready to race?

A: When a dog can consistently: complete the flyball run, pass team-mates, ignore other dogs in the other lane, is able to do an unassisted swimmers turn on the box, and are physically fit.


Dogs competing in flyball competitions are sprinting 20 - 30 times/day over hurdles and need to be physically fit to do this. Not even the best human athletes in the world run so many races. The flyball competitor should be viewed as an athlete meaning that they should be lean and physically fit. Picture the body of your favorite athlete - the canine athlete should look as athletic as the human athlete. Physically fit dogs will live LONGER too!!


Anyone interested taking a flyball class should contact us for more information or to reserve a spot.